
More About Me

I trained as a Mindfulness Teacher with Mind in Salford, UK in 2018.

I didn’t plan to do it.

It just sort of happened.

One minute I was reading a magazine in a sunny summer garden; then I was making a phone call; and by the time my slightly bemused partner came home, I was registered on a course I wasn’t even qualified to apply for (on paper).

This is typical me.

Life doesn’t pass me by.

Moment by moment I am living it.

REALLY, really living it.

Smelling it. Tasting it. Seeing it.

Hearing the birds singing and feeling the sun on my skin.

Mindfulness is just part of who I am.

But it hasn’t always been this way.

Rewind 10 years and you’ll find a different Nicky.

Still flashes of the same enthusiasm and joy.

Still the infectious passion for what I do.

But life was out of balance.

A high pressure career became a world of stress. Battles with mental and physical health led to periods of absence and loss of confidence. No boundaries and long hours meant work was taking over. Too many yoga classes missed for a last minute meeting. Too many healthy meals skipped for a takeaway to meet a deadline. When things were good, they were great. But when they were bad, they were very dark indeed.

Finally both mind and body gave up and forced me to stop. Life made the decision for me. Things had to change.

After some rest and some professional help, I am now on a different path. Mindfulness was one of the tools that I was offered to help my recovery during this period. It transformed my life.

Now, using coaching skills I acquired in my previous career, my infectious enthusiasm and my ability to relate to people, I’m making a new life sharing what I’ve learned.

I hope that, by sharing my experiences, I can save you that world of pain I experienced. From the mistakes I made and the lessons I have learned, has come the wisdom that I share in my workshops.

Come and join me. See what I can do for you.